“Reflections on a key component of co-producing climate services: Defining climate metrics from user needs” New paper from the UMFULA project, led by Kulima
An output of the Future Climate For Africa UMFULA project has just been published in Climate Services journal. "Reflections on a key component of co-producing climate services: Defining climate metrics from user needs" was led by Katharine Vincent, with...
Kulima participating in new project “Bridging national strategy on sustainable development of water-energy-food systems to local scale needs in Malawi”
Kulima is proud to announce that we are part of a new project "Bridging national strategy on sustainable development of water-energy-food systems to local scale needs in Malawi" that has been funded by the GCRF Collective...
Future Climate For Africa and CDKN release guide on how to contribute climate change information to Wikipedia, with inputs from Kulima
Future Climate For Africa and CDKN have just released How to contribute climate change information to Wikipedia: A guide for researchers, practitioners and communicators. The guide, by Emma Baker, Lisa McNamara, Beth Mackay and Kulima director, Dr Katharine...
Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change in Malawi commemorates International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
The Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change programme in Malawi, in which Kulima is part of the Knowledge and Policy Hub, commemorated International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction last week by releasing a brief and other pieces. The brief, a joint output...
“Evolution of national climate adaptation agendas in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia: the role of national leadership and international donors” now published-with inputs from Kulima
An output of the Future Climate For Africa UMFULA project has just been published. "Evolution of national climate adaptation agendas in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia: the role of national leadership and international donors" unpacks the ways in which political...
“Managing collaborative research: insights from a multi-consortium programme on climate adaptation across Africa and South Asia” now published-with inputs from Kulima
Another paper has just been produced that reflects on the process of conducting collaborative applied adaptation research under the Collaborative Adaptation Research in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) programme. "Managing collaborative research: insights from a...
“Addressing power imbalances in co-production” New comment in Nature Climate Change, led by Kulima
A new comment "Addressing power imbalances in co-production" has just been published in Nature Climate Change. The comment, led by Katharine Vincent with Suzanne Carter, Anna Steynor, Emma Visman and Katinka Lund Waagsaether, reflects on investigations...
Kulima participating in leadership training for African Academy of Sciences Future Leaders (FLAIR) Fellows
Kulima and START are collaborating with the African Academy of Sciences to run science leadership training for the Future Leaders-Africa Independent Research (FLAIR) fellows. The training, taking place last week and this week online in a variety of sessions, addresses...
“Understanding gender differences in availability, accessibility and use of climate information among smallholder farmers in Malawi” New paper from the UMFULA project with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Understanding gender differences in availability, accessibility and use of climate information among smallholder farmers in Malawi" has just been published in Climate and Development. The paper, led by Dr Rebecka Henriksson with inputs from...
“Re-balancing climate services for climate-resilient planning” New paper from the UMFULA project, led by Kulima
A new paper "Re-balancing climate services to inform climate-resilient planning - A conceptual framework and illustrations from sub-Saharan Africa" has just been published in Climate Risk Management. The paper, led by Dr Katharine Vincent, is an output of...
Cost estimate for the implementation of South Africa’s National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy released-with inputs from Kulima
South Africa's Department for Environment, Forestry and Fisheries has just released the Cost Estimate for Implementation of the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. The cost estimate was conducted by a team led by Cowater International that included...
FCFA launches a critical reflection on learning from its activities-with inputs from Kulima
Future Climate For Africa has launched "A critical reflection on learning from the FCFA programme." The report is led by Julio Araujo, Blane Harvey and Ying-Syuan (Elaine) Huang, with inputs from a wider team, including Kulima director Katharine...
Kulima facilitated a remote validation workshop for the IGAD Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
Yesterday Dr Katharine Vincent and colleagues from Cowater International facilitated a remote validation workshop for a Regional Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation for the Intergovernmental Authority...
New report-Enabling climate science use to better support resilience and adaptation practice-with inputs from Kulima
A new report - Enabling climate science use to better support resilience and adaptation practice. Rapid evidence assessment for the CLARE programme - has been released. The report was commissioned as part of a series of scoping reports to...
WISER and Future Climate For Africa issue new policy brief on co-production with inputs from Kulima
WISER and Future Climate For Africa have just launched a policy brief on the Building blocks for co-producing climate services. The policy brief is one of a series of outputs led by a joint WISER-FCFA team, comprising Suzanne Carter, Anna Steynor, Katharine Vincent,...
UMFULA project produces country brief “How can we improve the use of information for a climate-resilient Malawi?” with inputs from Kulima
The UMFULA project under the Future Climate For Africa programme has summarised the findings of its research in Malawi into a country brief (How can we improve the use of information for a climate-resilient Malawi?), aimed to inform decision-makers on how...
Kulima part of the Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises (SPARC) programme team
Dr Katharine Vincent is part of the consortium implementing the DFID-funded Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises (SPARC) programme. The consortium is led by Cowater International and includes ODI, ILRI and Mercy Corps. SPARC is a 6...
Kulima director participated in Living Deltas annual meeting and presented on gender and adaptation at an international seminar on global environmental challenges
Dr Katharine Vincent was in Kolkata last week, with 3 purposes. First, she participated in the annual meeting of the Living Deltas UKRI-GRCF Research Hub, on which she sits on the advisory board. Second, she delivered a presentation on gender and adaptation...
Kulima and University of Exeter commence a new project on “Responding to sea-level rise and storm events: A proposed framework for developing coastline adaptation strategies in southern Africa”
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Durban this week for the launch workshop of a new project "Responding to sea-level rise and storm events: A proposed framework for developing coastline adaptation strategies in southern Africa". The project is funded by the...
Kulima facilitating validation workshop for the ECOWAS Disaster Risk Reduction Gender Strategy and Action Plan
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Dakar this week to facilitate the validation workshop for the ECOWAS Disaster Risk Reduction Gender Strategy and Action Plan 2020-30. In partnership with Cowater International and the GFDRR, Katharine has been leading a team to...
Kulima participating in Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Mombasa this week to participate in the 54th edition of the Greater Horn of Africa Climate Forum and then a meeting of the Disaster Risk Management Technical Committee of IGAD. She will be presenting progress to date on the mainstreaming of...
Kulima represented on editorial team for Frontiers in Climate Special Issue on Extreme Events in the Developing World
Dr Katharine Vincent is joining Drs Marta Bruno Soares and Chris Funk and Professors Emma Archer and Andy Dougill in editing a forthcoming special issue of Frontiers in Climate on Extreme Events in the Developing World. The special issue aims to collate case...
Happy holidays from Kulima Integrated Development Solutions
Katharine Vincent and Kulima associates would like to wish all their partners and colleagues Happy Holidays. The office of Kulima Integrated Development Solutions will remain open over the festive season, with the exception of public holidays. We look forward to...
How can we effectively build capacity to adapt to climate change? Insights from Malawi in a new paper led by Kulima
A paper "How can we effectively build capacity to adapt to climate change? Insights from Malawi" has just been published in the journal Climate and Development. The paper, led by Diana Mataya with Katharine Vincent and Andy Dougill, reflects on...
“A qualitative comparative analysis of women’s agency and adaptive capacity in climate change hotspots in Asia and Africa” published in Nature Climate Change with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "A qualitative comparative analysis of women’s agency and adaptive capacity in climate change hotspots in Asia and Africa" has just been published in Nature Climate Change. The paper, led by Nitya Rao with Arabinda Mishra, Anjal Prakash,...
Importance of FCFA work with tea farmers highlighted by Malawi heatwave
A recent heatwave in Malawi has highlighted the risk that climate change poses to the tea farming sector. Future Climate For Africa's CI4Tea project has been working with tea farmers and other sector stakeholders in the southern districts of Mulanje and...
Kulima undertaking consultations to inform a Regional Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation for IGAD
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Nairobi this week to undertake consultations with stakeholders to inform a Regional Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)...
Kulima participating in presentation of UMFULA project at the University of KwaZulu Natal
The UMFULA project (under the Future Climate For Africa programme) is holding meetings this week at the University of KwaZulu Natal in which Dr Katharine Vincent is participating. This includes supervision of Honours and Masters students researching water...
New WISER and Future Climate For Africa manual “Co-production in African Weather and Climate Services” with inputs from Kulima
The Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa (WISER) and Future Climate For Africa (FCFA) programmes have just launched a new manual, Co-production in African weather and climate services. The manual, written by Suzanne Carter, Anna Steynor, Katharine...
New Grantham Research Institute working paper with inputs from Kulima-“Insurance as a catalyst for government climate planning?”
The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy and the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment have just released a new working paper from the UMFULA project with inputs from Dr Katharine Vincent. The paper, Insurance...
‘The current and future climate of central and southern Africa: What we have learnt and what it means for decision-making in Malawi and Tanzania”-summary of UMFULA project released
After 4 years of research by a multi-disciplinary team and co-production in partnership with government staff, the UMFULA project has released a briefing note that discusses "The current and future climate of central and southern Africa: What we have learnt and...
Kulima participating in UMFULA project writeshop in Pretoria
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Pretoria this week, joining colleagues Professor Andy Dougill from the University of Leeds and Professor Emma Archer from the University of Pretoria for a writeshop on the UMFULA project. As it comes to the end of its lifespan, they will...
New release “A guide to effective collaboration and learning in consortia” with inputs from Kulima
The BRACED programme, in partnership with Future Climate For Africa, CARIAA, PLACARD, Partners for Resilience and SHEAR, has just released A guide to effective collaboration and learning in consortia. Building resilience to rising climate risks, written by...
New working paper led by Kulima “Creating useful and usable weather and climate information-Insights from Participatory Scenario Planning in Malawi
The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy and the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment has just released a new working paper led by Dorothy Tembo-Nhlema and Katharine Vincent, with Rebecka Henriksson Malinga from the University of...
IPCC SRCCL available for download
The latest IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (full name-Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems)...
Kulima part of team presenting an initial cost estimate of South Africa’s National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy to a multi-stakeholder validation workshop
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Pretoria this week with colleagues from CowaterSogema to present their initial cost estimate for the implementation of South Africa's National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy to the a validation workshop of...
Kulima director participating in Africa’s first Wikipedia edit-a-thon on climate change
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Cape Town this week to participate in Africa's first Wikipedia edit-a-thon on climate change. Hosted by CDKN and Future Climate For Africa, the event will bring together researchers from across the African continent who have been...
UMFULA launches new brief projecting future water availability in Lake Malawi and the Shire River basin
The Future Climate For Africa UMFULA project has just released a new brief Projecting water availability in Lake Malawi and the Shire River basin. Led by Dr Ajay Bhave from the University of Leeds, the UMFULA research team has developed an open access water...
Kulima director in Malawi for annual meeting of GCRF Building Research Capacity for sustainable water and food security In sub-Saharan Africa (BRECcIA) project
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Malawi this week to participate in the annual research meeting ot the GCRF Building Research Capacity for sustainable water and food security In sub-Saharan Africa (BRECcIA) project. BRECcIA aims to “strengthen individual...
Kulima running training in Namibia on gender mainstreaming in climate change projects
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Windhoek this week, running a training course on gender mainstreaming in climate change projects for the Development Bank of Namibia. The workshop has been organised with the support of the Southern Africa Climate Finance...
Kulima attending SADC workshop on disaster risk reduction
Dr Katharine Vincent was in Windhoek this week, attending a SADC workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction. During the workshop she presented plans to integrate gender into SADC's Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Plan and Plan of Action 2018-30. This will...
Kulima undertaking consultations with RECs to mainstream gender into DRR strategies
In the last two weeks, Dr Katharine Vincent has visited two of Africa's Regional Economic Commissions - the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in Gaborone and the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) in Abuja. The...
Kulima participating in workshop on evolving regional climate information for decision-making
Dr Katharine Vincent is joining UMFULA PI Professor Declan Conway this week at a workshop in the UK to discuss advancing the development of regional climate information for decision-making. The workshop is convened by the Universities of Cape Town and Reading,...
Kulima participating in annual review meeting for the UMFULA project
Dr Katharine Vincent is joining colleagues from the Uncertainty Reduction in Models for Understanding Development Applications (UMFULA) project today for the annual review of progress with funders DFID and NERC. The meeting is taking place with the lead institution,...
Kulima part of team presenting an initial cost estimate of South Africa’s National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Last week Dr Katharine Vincent and colleagues from CowaterSogema presented their initial cost estimate for the implementation of South Africa's National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy to the Department of Environmental Affairs. The aim of the...
Kulima participated in the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction to launch a project on mainstreaming gender into DRM plans
Dr Katharine Vincent was in Geneva last week, participating in the 4th World Reconstruction Conference as part of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. The event marked an opportunity to launch a new project that Katharine is undertaking with...
Kulima running training in Botswana on gender mainstreaming in climate change projects
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Gaborone this week, running a training course on gender mainstreaming in climate change projects for Forest Conservation Botswana. The workshop has been organised with the support of the Southern Africa Climate Finance...
Kulima participating in CDKN Knowledge Accelerator lab with DECCMA Ghana team
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Cape Town this week, participating in a CDKN Knowledge Accelerator lab with the DECCMA Ghana team. The Knowledge Accelerator lab forms part of an initiative of CDKN to move "from knowledge to action" in selected African countries....
Kulima running gender session at the Southern African Climate Finance Partnership regional learning forum
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Maun this week at the second regional learning forum of the Southern African Climate Finance Partnership (SACFP). Funded by the UK's Department For International Development and Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, SACFP is...
New paper with inputs from Kulima “A framework to analyse the implications of coastal transformation on inclusive development”
A new paper "A framework to analyse the implications of coastal transformation on inclusive development" has just been made available online in the journal Environmental Science and Policy. The paper, led by Natalie Suckall with co-authors...