Kulima Integrated Development Solutions is a boundary organisation working within the field of climate change. What this means is that we act as the interface between scientists and end-users, including policy-makers, practitioners and community members in both the public and private sectors.
Postnet Suite H79, Private Bag x9118, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, South Africa.
Dr Katharine Vincent
- katharine@kulima.com
- +27 72 196 4525
- Skype: katharine_v
- Twitter: @katharine_v and @KulimaIDS
“Kulima is a word found in many Nguni languages which refers to preparing the ground so that something can take root– that is, a period of preparation that takes place before seeds can be planted, without which their chances of germinating and growing are very small.”
Our Project Partners
International organisations and multi-lateral development banks
NGOs and
non-profit consortia