Kulima participates in second intensive “testbed” for alerts of thunderstorms under the WISER EWSA project
For the next ten days, members of the Kulima team will be participating in an intensive testbed in Zambia as part of the ongoing Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa (EWSA) project. WISER EWSA aims to co-produce short...
WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa (EWSA) project publishes newsletter
The Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa (EWSA) project has just published the WISER EWSA Newsletter outlining some of its activities in recent months. WISER EWSA is co-producing short-term weather updates around storms...
Kulima visits Malawi field sites for CLARE BASIN project
This week Katharine Vincent has been in Malawi to visit field sites for research being undertaken through the Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARE) Behavioural Adaptation for Water Security and Inclusion (BASIN). project. BASIN is using insights from behavioural...
“Current uses and potential future needs for climate services in South Africa” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper “Current uses and potential future needs for climate services in South Africa" has just been published in the journal Climate Services. The paper was authored by Darren Lumbroso, Katharine Vincent, Miriam Murambadoro, Anna Steynor, Gina Tsarouchi and Maria...
Kulima participates in Zambia workshop for WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa project
Last week the Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa project hosted workshop in Kanyama and Lusaka central. The workshops were to prepare for the 2024-25 rainy season. 2024-25 will see co-produced early warnings alerts for...
Kulima participates in WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa all project meeting in Mozambique
Over the last week, members of the Kulima team have been in Maputo for a whole project meeting of the Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa (EWSA) project. WISER EWSA aims to co-produce short term weather alerts for...
“Large-scale sustainability programming is reshaping research excellence: Insights from a meta-ethnographic study of 12 global initiatives” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper “Large-scale sustainability programming is reshaping research excellence: Insights from a meta-ethnographic study of 12 global initiatives” has just been published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy. The paper was authored by Ying-Syuan...
Kulima participates in meetings for FoSTA-Health project
Last week and this week, members of the Kulima team are participating in project meetings for the Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA-Health) project. FoSTA-Health began in 2022 and focuses on exploring the consequences of emergent...
Kulima participates in southern Africa’s first “testbed” for alerts of thunderstorms under the WISER EWSA project
For the next two weeks, members of the Kulima team will be participating in the first testbeds in southern Africa. The testbeds are run as part of the ongoing Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa, which aims to co-produce...
WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa project holds workshops in Zambia
Last week the Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa project hosted workshops in Kanyama and Lusaka central. The workshops were the first in a process of co-producing short-term weather alerts for thunderstorms with...
“Status of global coastal adaptation” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Status of global coastal adaptation" has just been published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The paper was led by Alexandre Magnan with inputs from a global team of 17 co-authors, including Katharine Vincent. The paper reports a application of the...
New project launch: CLARE Behavioural Adaptation for Water Security and Inclusion (BASIN)
Kulima is proud to be part of a new project : CLARE Behavioural Adaptation for Water Security and Inclusion (BASIN). BASIN is funded by UK aid from the UK government and by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) as part of the Climate Adaptation and...
“Development geography II: Community-based adaptation and locally-led adaptation” New paper by Kulima
A new paper “Development geography II: Community-based adaptation and locally-led adaptation" has just been published in the journal Progress in Human Geography. The paper, which is a progress report to review developments around a certain topic, was written by...
New project launch: WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa
Kulima is proud to be part of a new project : WISER Early Warnings for Southern Arica (EWSA). WISER EWSA takes place under the FCDO-funded Weather and Climate Information Services programme, and was launched on World Meteorological Day 2023. The project is led by the...
Kulima providing inputs to Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Mainstreaming Dialogue in South Africa
This week Kulima is providing inputs to the Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Mainstreaming Dialogue in South Africa. The event is hosted by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment and South African National Biodiversity Institute, in partnership...
New project launch: Science for Adaptation: Learning and innovation in evidence about future climate (SALIENT)
Kulima is proud to be part of a new programme - Science for adaptation: Learning and innovation in evidence about future climate (SALIENT). SALIENT will take place over four years (2022-26) with the aim of transforming climate change outlooks to a new "climate futures...
“Adaptation pathways to inform policies and practice in the context of development” New paper with input from Kulima
A new paper “Adaptation pathways to inform policies and practice in the context of development" has just been published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy. The paper, led by Ted Sparkes, with Edmond Totin, Saskia Werners, Russell Wise, James Butler and...
Happy holidays from Kulima Integrated Development Solutions
Katharine Vincent and Kulima associates would like to wish all their partners and colleagues Happy Holidays. The office of Kulima Integrated Development Solutions will remain open over the festive season, with the exception of public holidays. We look forward to...
New project launch: Stakeholder-driven climate services for South Africa (STADCLIM-SA)
Kulima is proud to be part of a new project: Stakeholder-driven climate services for South Africa (STADCLIM-SA). STADCLIM-SA takes place under the Newton Fund Weather and Climate Science for Service Partnership South Africa (WCSSP South Africa). WCSSP South Africa is...
Kulima attends kick off meeting for the Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA Health) project
Last week Dr Katharine Vincent was in Pretoria for the kick off meeting of the Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA Health) project. The meeting brought together representatives from the different consortium organisations that will work...
“Finance for adaptation at the level of local government in South Africa” New report with inputs from Kulima
A new report “Finance for adaptation at the level of local government in South Africa” has just been published, written by Samantha Keen, Elin Lorimer and Katharine Vincent. The report was produced for the "Strengthen National Climate Policy Implementation:...
New project launch: Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA Health)
Kulima is proud to be part of a new €6.5 million project, funded by Horizon Europe and Innovate UK, that started this week and will take place over the next 3.5 years. The Food Systems Transformation in Southern Africa for One Health (FoSTA Health) project will...
Kulima participated in the second Annual Learning Forum of the “Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises” (SPARC) programme
This week Dr Katharine Vincent was in Kenya for the second Annual Learning Forum of the "Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises" (SPARC) programme. The forum brought together consortium members from Cowater, ILRI, Mercy Corps and...
Kulima participated in GCRF Living Deltas hub annual meeting
This week, Dr Katharine Vincent was in Vietnam for the annual meeting for the GCRF Living Deltas research hub. The Living Deltas research hub is an international and interdisciplinary applied research project that aims to contribute to sustainable delta futures, and...
“A review of gender in agricultural and pastoral livelihoods based on selected countries in west and east Africa” New paper by Kulima
A new paper “A review of gender in agricultural and pastoral livelihoods based on selected countries in west and east Africa" has just been published in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. The paper was written by Katharine Vincent as part of the...
Kulima participated in kick off meeting for new research on gender and pastoralism
This week Dr Katharine Vincent was in Nairobi for the kick off meeting for new research on gender and pastoralism in conflict-affected African drylands. Three projects have been funded by IDRC for the coming three years to undertake action research with pastoralists...
Kulima participated in “Learning Climate: Forging shared solutions on education, environment and climate change” at Wilton Park
Last week, Dr Katharine Vincent participated in "Learning Climate: Forging shared solutions on education, environment and climate change" at Wilton Park. The dialogue was jointly convened by the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Global...
Kulima participated in presentation to NORAD on transformative adaptation
Dr Katharine Vincent was in Oslo last week with colleagues Professor Siri Eriksen and Drs Nick Brooks and Morgan Scoville-Simonds. The team - joined remotely by Drs Marcus Taylor and Lisa Schipper - made a presentation to the Norwegian Agency for Development...
“Putting ‘vulnerable groups’ at the centre of adaptation interventions by promoting transformative adaptation as a learning process” New report with inputs from Kulima
A new report “Putting ‘vulnerable groups’ at the centre of adaptation interventions by promoting transformative adaptation as a learning process" has just been published for the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The report was written by Marcus...
“Defining metrics for monitoring and evaluating the impact of co-production in climate services” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Defining metrics for monitoring and evaluating the impact of co-production in climate services" has just been published in the journal Climate Services. The paper was written by Emma Visman, Katharine Vincent, Anna Steynor, Irene Karani and Emmah Mwangi...
Kulima runs Theory of Change workshop for FSNet Africa fellows
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Pretoria this week to run a workshop on Theory of Change for the Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNet Africa) fellows. This follows on from earlier Monitoring and Evaluation training conducted in January 2022 as part of the...
“Development geography I: Co-production” New paper by Kulima
A new paper “Development Geography I: Co-production" has just been published in the journal Progress in Human Geography. The paper, which is a progress report to review developments around a certain topic, was written by Katharine Vincent, and draws on experiences in...
“Can insurance catalyse government planning on climate? Emergent evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa” New paper with input from Kulima
A new paper "Can insurance catalyse government planning on climate? Emergent evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa" has just been published in the journal World Development. The paper, led by Swenja Surminski with Jon Barnes and Katharine Vincent, is an output of the...
“Breaking vicious cycles? A systems perspective on Southern leadership in climate and development research programmes” New paper with input from Kulima
A new paper "Breaking vicious cycles? A systems perspective on Southern leadership in climate and development research programmes" has just been published in the journal Climate and Development. The paper, led by Blane Harvey with Ying-Syuan Huang, Julio Araujo,...
Recording available for COP26 side event “Building resilience in a low carbon world” organised by the University of Leeds and Kulima
On 10th November 2021, during the COP26, the University of Leeds and Kulima co-organised a side event in the science pavilion on "Building resilience in a low carbon world". The side event, chaired by DEFRA chief scientist Gideon Henderson, focused on experiences from...
“How granular climate information can help tea growers in Malawi and Kenya” New article in The Conversation with inputs from Kulima
Following recent publication of a paper, Neha Mittal, Andy Dougill and Katharine Vincent have just published an article in The Conversation on "How granular climate information can help tea growers in Malawi and Kenya". Tea producers in the two countries have already...
New project launch “Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises” (SPARC)
This week the Supporting Pastoralism and Agriculture in Recurrent and Protracted Crises (SPARC) research programme has been launched. Led by Cowater, ODI, the International Livestock Research Institute and Mercy Corps and funded by FCDO, the six-year programme will...
“Advancing climate resilient development pathways since the IPCC’s fifth assessment report” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper “Advancing climate resilient development pathways since the IPCC's fifth assessment report" has just been published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy. The paper, led by Saskia Werners with an author team that includes Katharine...
“Redefining ‘business as usual’ with a gender lens. New WISER brief on designing and implementing gender-sensitive climate services projects by Kulima
A new brief "Redefining 'business as usual' with a gender lens: Designing an implementing gender-sensitive climate services projects for funders and implementers” has just been published by the UKAID programme Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa. The...
“Tailored climate projections to assess site-specific vulnerability of tea production” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper “Tailored climate projections to assess site-specific vulnerability of tea production” has just been published in the journal Climate Risk Management. The paper, led by Neha Mittal with a team that included Katharine Vincent, draws on research conducted...
“Toward a climate mobilities research agenda: Intersectionality, immobility and policy responses” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper “Toward a climate mobilities research agenda: Intersectionality, immobility and policy responses” has just been published in the journal Global Environmental Change. The paper, led by Georgina Cundill with a team that included Katharine Vincent, draws on...
“A framework for examining justice in food system transformations research” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper “A framework for examining justice in food system transformations research” has just been published in the journal Nature Food. The paper, led by Stephen Whitfield with a team that included Katharine Vincent, calls for critical analysis of the justice...
“Exploring the adaptive capacity of sugarcane contract farming schemes in the face of extreme events” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Exploring the adaptive capacity of sugarcane contract farming schemes in the face of extreme events” has just been published in the journal Frontiers in Climate. The paper, led by Rebecka Henriksson with Katharine Vincent and Kivana Naidoo from the...
“Climate variability affects water-energy-food infrastructure performance in East Africa” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Climate variability affects water-energy-food infrastructure performance in East Africa" has just been published in the journal One Earth. The paper, led by Christian Siderius with other members of the UMFULA project team, including Katharine Vincent,...
“Gender, migration and environmental change in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta” New chapter led by Kulima
A chapter on "Gender, migration and environmental change in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta", by Katharine Vincent, Ricardo Safra de Campos, Attila Lazar and Anwara Begum, is part of a newly-published book "Engendering Climate Change: Learning from South Asia"....
“The evolution of empirical adaptation research in the global South from 2010 to 2020” New paper in Climate and Development, led by Kulima
A new paper "The evolution of empirical adaptation research in the global South from 2010-2020" has just been published in the journal Climate and Development. The paper, by Katharine Vincent and Georgina Cundill, applies a scoping review approach to...
“Mobilizing Climate Information for Decision-Making in Africa: Contrasting User-Centered and Knowledge-Centered Approaches” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Mobilizing Climate Information for Decision-Making in Africa: Contrasting User-Centered and Knowledge-Centered Approaches" has just been published in the journal Frontiers in Climate. The paper, led by Blane Harvey with an author team that...
“Climate Risk in Africa. Adaptation and Resilience” New edited book with inputs from Kulima
An edited volume "Climate Risk in Africa. Adaptation and Resilience" has just been released, documenting the experiences across the Future Climate For Africa programme. The book, co-edited by Declan Conway and Katharine Vincent, explains how...
“Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance?” New paper with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance?" has just been published in the journal World Development. The paper, led by Siri Eriksen with an author team of 20, including...
“Adaptation pathways: A review of approaches and a learning framework” New paper in Environmental Science and Policy, with inputs from Kulima
A new paper "Adaptation pathways: A review of approaches and a learning framework" has just been published in the journal Environmental Science and Policy. The paper, led by Saskia Werners with Russell Wise, James Butler, Edmond Totin and Katharine Vincent,...