Applied Research and Technical Consulting
on adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction
Applied Research and Technical Consulting
Kulima Integrated Development Solutions is a boundary organisation working within the field of climate change. What this means is that we act as the interface between scientists and end-users, including policy-makers, practitioners and community members in both the public and private sectors.
Our role is facilitating a two way dialogue which ensures, on the one hand, that end-user needs are identified and effectively communicated to scientists. On the other hand, Kulima works to make sure that relevant scientific information is communicated to end-users in a format that enables them to integrate it into their decision-making, and ultimately to adapt to climate change.
Kulima’s geographical focus is on southern and eastern Africa, but we have experience across the continent and internationally.
“Kulima is a word found in many Nguni languages which refers to preparing the ground so that something can take root– that is, a period of preparation that takes place before seeds can be planted, without which their chances of germinating and growing are very small.”
News and latest topics
New project launch: WISER Early Warnings for Southern Africa
Kulima is proud to be part of a new project : WISER Early Warnings for Southern Arica (EWSA). WISER EWSA takes place...
Kulima providing inputs to Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Mainstreaming Dialogue in South Africa
This week Kulima is providing inputs to the Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Mainstreaming Dialogue in South...
New project launch: Science for Adaptation: Learning and innovation in evidence about future climate (SALIENT)
Kulima is proud to be part of a new programme - Science for adaptation: Learning and innovation in evidence about...
Future Climate For Africa
The UMFULA research team of the Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) programme has analysed 34 Global Climate Models (GCMs) that provide projections for Malawi to try to distil robust messages and some key trends that may help planning and decision-making.
Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change
Following the 2021 evaluation of the Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change (BRACC) programme, a number of outputs have now been published presenting results and reflecting on key lessons learned around the design, implementation and monitoring of resilience building and adaptation interventions.
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