Katharine Vincent at ACDI eventFollowing participation in a panel discussion at the African Climate and Development Initiative of lead authors after the release of the contribution of Working Group 2 (on Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation) to the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report, Dr Katharine Vincent wrote a blog which was published on CDKN's website.  Titled "Communicate both the IPCC findings and the process", in it she argues not only for improved communication of the findings and their implications for policy and practice, but also for critical discussions on the purpose, history and institutional structure of the IPCC, as well as the process for creating the assessment reports.  Since its release the WG2 Summary for Policymakers has been downloaded over 200,000 times.  Yesterday WG3 released its report on mitigation options.  The synthesis report, covering all three working groups, will be available in October 2014.