by Katharine Vincent | Oct 5, 2017 | Projects, Publications
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and Kulima Integrated Development Solutions have today launched the second edition of "Climate Risk and Vulnerability: A Handbook for Southern Africa" (edited by Claire Davis-Reddy and Katharine Vincent)....
by Katharine Vincent | Aug 25, 2014 | Projects
Dr Katharine Vincent and Ms Tracy Cull are finalising the proposal for a regional programme on forests, rangelands and climate change adaptation in southern Africa. The programme will be submitted to the Global Environment Facility to be considered for Least Developed...
by Katharine Vincent | Jul 24, 2014 | Projects, Travel
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Antananarivo this week to facilitate a workshop of government representatives who will decide upon the particular design of activities to take place within the remit of a forest adaptation project in Madagascar. In conjunction with...
by Katharine Vincent | Jun 19, 2013 | Projects
Dr Katharine Vincent and Ms Tracy Cull have been in Johannesburg this week to co-facilitate a workshop on forests, rangelands and climate change with FAO and SADC. The purpose of the workshop, attended by representatives of 13 SADC countries, was to identify...
by Katharine Vincent | Sep 12, 2012 | Projects, Training, Travel
Dr Katharine Vincent and Ms Tracy Cull, together with Ms Claire Davis from CSIR, are presenting a 3-day training course on the use of weather and climate information in decision-making in Maputo. The training course forms part of the SADC-regional project, funded by...