June 3rd marked the first “African Climate Teach-In Day“, a day devoted to lectures and lessons around the issue of climate change taking place in schools and universities across the continent. The day aimed to disseminate information on climate change and its impacts, provide introductions to projects and other initiatives underway on the continent, discuss the opportunities and challenges to addressing climate change and, perhaps most importantly, to raise awareness of the need for personal engagement and action.
The event was organised by The International Climate Change Information Programme and the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, in partnership with the UN Environment Programme, UNESCO, World Meteorological Organization, Ecological Society for Eastern Africa, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory, and many institutions from across the African continent.
Kulima fully supports awareness raising around climate change issues among the youth of the African continent, recognising that in many cases, adults glean their information based on what their children are learning at school. Understanding and engagement with the issues is also a vital prerequisite for action.