Over the last week, members of the Kulima team have been in Maputo for a whole project meeting of the Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa (EWSA) project. WISER EWSA aims to co-produce short term weather alerts for thunderstorms.
The meeting brings together (in person and virtually) participants from across the consortium team. This includes project leads, the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and University of Leeds, together with the South African Weather Service, Kulima Integrated Development Solutions, Zambia Meteorological Department, Mozambique National Meteorology Institute (INAM), the UK Met Office, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Tyrsky Consulting, EUMETSAT and the World Meteorological Organisation.
The whole project meeting provides an opportunity to take stock of progress in the first year of the project. This includes southern Africa’s first testbeds, which took place in February 2024. It also enables planning for the second and final full year of the project, where expanded “king-size testbeds” will run in parallel in Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia throughout the 2024-25 rainy season.