When it comes to motivation to act to address global issues, the fact that it is hard to discern the consequences of your individual impact relative to that of the other 6.9999 billion people on the planet is often a powerful disincentive. Climate change, like many other environmental problems, is one such issue: we all know that we should try and reduce our carbon footprint, but what difference can one person make? In fact, this very argument (applied at country level) partly explains the difficulty of the international negotiations (under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) to address climate change at the global level. When the USA withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, they cited the reason that they did not see why they should reduce emissions when emerging developing economies such as India and China had no obligation to do so.
Deutsche Bank have come up with a powerful tool that reminds us all of how our actions are changing the atmospheric composition. Since seeing their Carbon Counter, displayed in New York, and the rapid rate of increase of greenhouse gases, we have all felt a more direct sense of responsibility which translates into empowerment to act.