On 2nd November 2017, after the UMFULA annual meeting, a panel discussion co-hosted with the Civil Society Network on Climate Change and LUANAR was held in Lilongwe with the title "How can climate information build a resilient Malawi?" UMFULA PI, Declan Conway (London School of Economics and Political Science), Director of the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services, Jolamu Nkhokwe and Deputy Director of the Environmental Affairs Department, Shamiso Najera, gave brief presentations. Responses were given by the panellists – Andy Dougill (University of Leeds), Elina Kululanga (Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services), Julius Ng'oma (Civil Society Network on Climate Change) and Sothini Nyirenda (UNDP) – before the floor was opened to questions from the 60 partcipants. A report of the proceeedings is now available.
How can climate information build a resilient Malawi? Report published of a panel discussion on 2nd November
by Katharine Vincent | Nov 28, 2017