Dr Katharine Vincent is in Bonn for a side meeting to the UNFCCC intersessional discussions on measuring progress on adaptation. The event is organised by IDRC and the African Group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES) and follows on from a side event at COP 23 held on the same theme, and co-convened by IDRC and AGNES with McGill University, University of Notre Dam du Lac and the Asian Institute of Technology. The aim of the meeting to take stock of the various initiatives for measuring progress on adaptation, and identify particular needs, taking into account the ongoing negotiations on the Paris Agreement and how to transparently measure adaptation progress. Other organisations represented at the meeting include the Global Centre of Excellent on Climate Adaptation, UNEP DTU, UN Environment, UN Climate Change, CCAFS, GIZ, IIED and the governments of Kenya, Uganda, Botswana and Ghana.