Dr Katharine Vincent is in Pretoria this week to run a workshop on Theory of Change for the Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNet Africa) fellows. This follows on from earlier Monitoring and Evaluation training conducted in January 2022 as part of the Pretoria Summer School for the fellows.
FSNet Africa is a Global Challenges Research Fund Research Excellence Project run by the University of Pretoria, University of Leeds, and the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Network (FANRPAN). It aims to design and implement food systems research in partnership with stakeholders to identify solutions that can bring about sustainable change in African food systems.
Twenty fellows have been competitively selected from 6 African countries – Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and South Africa. The fellowships provide each fellow with mentoring support from the UK and Africa as they conduct their interdisciplinary research, and a structured programme of training, including on research skills and methods, and impact.