Another paper has just been produced that reflects on the process of conducting collaborative applied adaptation research under the Collaborative Adaptation Research in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) programme. "Managing collaborative research: insights from a multi-consortium programme on climate adaptation across Africa and South Asia", led by Bruce-Currie Alder with Georgina Cundill, Lucia Scodanibbio, Kulima director Katharine Vincent, Anjal Prakash and Nathalie Nathe, reflects on CARIAA's learnings in fostering cooperation towards research outcomes, coordinating Participants valued the consortium as a network that provided connections with distinct sources of expertise, as a means to gain experience and skills beyond the remit of their home organisation. Consortia were seen as an avenue for reaching scale both in terms of working across regions, as well as in terms of moving research into practice. The experience of CARIAA affirms documented strategies for collaborative research, including project vision, partner compatibility, skilled managers, and multi-level planning. Collaborative research also needs an ability to revise membership and structures as needed in response to changing involvement of partners over time.