The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (at the London School of Economics and Political Science) and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy has just released a briefing note "Policy coherence for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa". The briefing note, written by Patrick Curran, Andy Dougill, Joanna Pardoe and Katharine Vincent, is based on a number of research papers produced under the Future Climate For Africa UMFULA project, which have looked at policy coherence in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia. It highlights how sub-optimal levels of coherence of policies and strategies relating to climate change (water, energy and food) could threaten the achievement of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.
New briefing paper “Policy coherence for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa” with inputs from Kulima
by Katharine Vincent | Aug 1, 2018