A new paper "What can climate services learn from theory and practice of co-production?" has just been made available online in the journal Climate Services. The paper, led by Kulima director Dr Katharine Vincent with co-authors Meaghan Daly, Claire Scannell and Bill Leathes, is an output of two projects funded by DFID: UMFULA (Future Climate for Africa) and Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa (WISER). Co-produced climate services are increasingly recognised as a means of improving the effective generation and utilisation of climate information to inform decision-making and support adaptation to climate change, particularly in developing countries. The paper reviews the co-production literature in other science policy fields to distil some key principles to inform climate services. A co-produced climate service product should be decision-driven, process-based and time-managed, whilst the process of co-producing a climate service should be inclusive, collaborative and flexible. Illustrations are also provided of how these principles may be engaged in practice.
New open access paper “What can climate services learn from theory and practice of co-production?”
by Katharine Vincent | Dec 6, 2018