South Africa’s Department for Environmental Affairs has released the draft Second National Communication for comment. The document, which reports on the current status of projected climate change in South Africa, together with a status update on mitigation and adaptation measures and plans for the future (and the challenges to addressing them) forms part of the country’s commitments as a signatory to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Dr Katharine Vincent and Ms Tracy Cull collaborated with Dr Emma Archer and Ms Claire Davis at the CSIR to produce section 5.4, on public awareness, training and capacity building. Concurrent with the Second National Communication, the Department for Environmental Affairs has also released the Draft National Climate Change Response Strategy. Both documents can be downloaded from the Department for Environmental Affairs, and comments can be submitted until 11th February 2011.
South Africa releases Draft Second National Communication and Draft National Climate Change Response Strategy for comments
by Katharine Vincent | Nov 30, 2010