Communicating scientific information in the language and format required by policy-makers and practitioners is among Kulima's specialist areas of expertise. We have produced a number of guidebooks and toolkits relating to the integration of climate change considerations. These include:
–PROVIA guidance on assessing vulnerability, impacts and adaptation to climate change
For the Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (2013). Produced in collaboration with SYKE (the Finnish Environment Institute), Stockholm Environment Institute and Global Climate Forum.
–Adaptive Social Protection: Making concepts a reality. Guidance notes for practitioners
For the Adaptive Social Protection programme (2012)
–Climate risk and vulnerability: A handbook for southern Africa
Edited by Claire Davis, for CSIR (2012).
–Gender, climate change and community-based adaptation: A guidebook for designing and implementing gender-sensitive community-based adaptation projects and programmes
For UNDP's Environment and Energy Group, as part of the UNDP-GEF Community-Based Adaptation Programme (2010).
–Guidebook on mapping climate change vulnerability and impacts scenarios for planning purposes at sub-national level
For UNDP's Environment and Energy Group (2010).