Having worked in many southern and eastern African countries, Kulima stays abreast of the institutional and policy frameworks, particularly as relating to climate change. Particular projects that we have undertaken that involve institutional and policy analysis include:
African Development Bank Policy-Based Operation to support green and climate-resilient development in South Africa
Building on the commitment of the South African government to creating a climate-resilient green economy, Kulima is supporting the African Development Bank in a Policy-Based Operation. Assignments have included a review of the most relevant policy, regulatory and analytical studies to the climate change adaptation agenda, advice on policy actions to be discussed with stakeholders based on international best practice, and distilling key issues and short- to medium-term opportunities.
Designing adaptation projects for LDCF funding in Uganda, Sierra Leone and Madagascar
A key component in developing the Project Identification Forms (PIFs) for adaptation finance is an assessment of the institutions and policy framework, so that the project can be designed to complement other initiatives.
Climate risk capacity building in the Southern African Development Community
As part of the USAID-funded project on “Climate Risk Capacity Building“, institutional and policy analysis was undertaken as part of needs assessments in four countries: Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Customised training courses, based around nationally-identified needs, were subsequently developed for each of these countries, based on new high resolution downscaled climate projections for the SADC region, published in a handbook together with information on impacts and adaptation.
Climate Screening of Key Macedonian Policies and Strategies and Recommendations for Adaptation
Kulima updated and revised an earlier version of this report for UNDP's Macedonia country office (originally produced by the Stockholm Environment Institute). The report screens five major policies and strategies for their potential to be effected by climate change, namely the Public Investment Programme, Second National Environmental Action Plan, Forestry Strategy, National Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Development, and the new three-tier energy policy, which comprises the Strategy for Energy Development for the period 2008-2020 with a vision to 2030 (2010), the Renewable Energy Sources Strategy until 2020 (2010), and the Energy Efficiency Strategy (2010). As well as sector-specific adaptation options, a number of cross-cutting "no regrets" or "win win" adaptation priorities are identified. The report also contains guidelines for climate screening intended to be used by policy-makers with regard to other policies and strategies.