Both Kulima directors have extensive experience of social protection through their former roles with the DFID- and AusAID-funded Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Programme. Through this regional programme operating throughout SADC, both Katharine and Tracy have become familiar with social protection programmes throughout the region, particularly cash transfers. We took a special interest in electronic delivery mechanisms and initiated and managed an international Network of Expert Resources on Delivery Systems (NERDS) to exchange best practice on delivery systems for social protection using up-to-date ICTs. We also undertook feasibility studies and consultancy projects in Swaziland, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe and provided technical assistance to the government of Swaziland for introducing innovative delivery mechanisms for their Old Age Grant.
Developing "know how" guidance for the Adaptive Social Protection programme: "Adaptive Social Protection: Making concepts a reality. Guidance notes for practitioners"
Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) is a new, integrated approach to reduce the vulnerability of poor people in developing countries. It works on the understanding of the interlinked nature of the shocks and stresses that poor people face today – and the potential synergies to be gained from bringing together social protection, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Kulima was commissioned to produce "know how" guidance for policy-makers and practitioners at the end of the Adaptive Social Protection programme, ensuring that research findings and conceptual developments could be applied to promote adaptive social protection in practice.