The Weather and Climate Information Services (WISER) Early Warnings for Southern Africa (EWSA) project has just published the WISER EWSA Newsletter outlining some of its activities in recent months.

WISER EWSA is co-producing short-term weather updates around storms with socially disadvantaged urban populations. It is a collaboration between the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and University of Leeds in partnership with the South African Weather Service, Kulima Integrated Development Solutions, Zambia Meteorological DepartmentMozambique National Meteorology Institute (INAM), the UK Met OfficeUK Centre for Ecology and HydrologyFinnish Meteorological InstituteTyrsky ConsultingEUMETSAT and the World Meteorological Organisation.

The newsletter highlights the progress towards advancing early warning systems. Over recent months, the project has taken stock of its first testbed and prepares for an expanded king size testbed that will take place over the entirety of the 2024-25 rainy season. Advancements have been made with nowcasting technology and knowledge. Awareness of, and demand for, weather information has increased in Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia .