by Katharine Vincent | Apr 2, 2019 | Short-term assignments, Training, Travel
Dr Katharine Vincent is in Maun this week at the second regional learning forum of the Southern African Climate Finance Partnership (SACFP). Funded by the UK's Department For International Development and Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, SACFP is...
by Katharine Vincent | Aug 26, 2013 | Projects, Publications
Dr Katharine Vincent and Ms Tracy Cull, together with co-authors Diana Chanika, Petan Hamazakaza, Alec Joubert, Eulalia Macome and Charity Mutonhodza-Davies, have published a paper entitled "Farmers' responses to climate variability and change...
by Katharine Vincent | May 21, 2012 | Projects, Training
Dr Katharine Vincent and Ms Tracy Cull met this week with colleagues from CSIR as part of the USAID-funded project on Climate Risk and Vulnerability in Southern Africa. The project, implemented by Kulima and CSIR, aims to build the capacity of decision-makers across...
by Katharine Vincent | Nov 9, 2011 | Projects, Publications
Kulima and Oxfam have today released “Overcoming the barriers: How to ensure future food production under climate change in southern Africa”. The report is based on interviews with farmers in Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, whose...
by Katharine Vincent | Mar 27, 2011 | Projects
Kulima, in partnership with the Climate Systems Analysis Group at the University of Cape Town, has just begun a new project in conjunction with Oxfam GB, looking at climate change and arable food production in southern Africa. The project will involve working with...